Tuesday, November 20, 2012


dear ladies n gentlemen

today , in conjunction to this big event, an event to give the teenagers and anybody that presented today, a revelation of which gonna change your perspectives n how you out-lived your life up until today
so, it is clear that i would be talking about the nature
but i know, ladies n gentleman are bored bout this typical topics
u have heard bout'em
u have read bout'em

so i will bring 3 points
n i would humbly explain it in general
the first point is 'why is it so important' in short
the second point is the huge thing 'are we capable of doing it'
and the last but not least
my encouragement

ladies n gentleman
i,standing here.
showing my support in curing our earth n our nature
why is it so important?
why is it a big deal?
but why are we not doing anything?
ladies n gentlemen
these such thing that u called nature n earth
are compulsory
are vital
and some other words that have the same meaning as important.
to us
how can we stood our ground if we don't have a land to stand on?
yeah we have so many differences
and we always fight for our opinion
like political views
our favorite movie n some other things that always make people jump into an argument
'ure a mosleems n imma buddist'
im voting romney n ure voting obama'
i like edward n u like jacob
imma belieber n ure k-pop fan

yeah, i dnt mind any of this
but think back, imagine ure having these fight while its scourging hot
n the worlds starts to crack and the flood coming at ya

is it fun?
well think for yourself

are you even will ever manage of making  a family in current state of nature
and our plans for the future would be useless
cause u were created to do it
ladies n gentleman
moving on to my second point

are we capable in helping the nature?
and the main point of my speech today
what is our part in helping n restore the wellness of our nature

we don't have to see what is unsee
see for yourself
if we manage to make a skyscrapers which almost other-worldly
if we manage to classify thousands of species of flora n fauna
if we manage to invent so many things tht we cud never imagine

so why cant we help  the nature
restore the beautiful flora n fauna
cure the diseases the they had gone through
because of us, human

picture this...
it took short of time to scramble a rubic cube
but it depends on the people to solve it fast or in a huge amount of time

looking at wht we have achieved , i believed there are many people
are specialized in nature
and also technology

we kept making things that is not compulsory to us
and ended up worsen the condition of our nature
why cant help the nature so we could give a better world to our next generation

so as for us, still studying and cant help the nature with finance
what is our part in helping the nature?

ur voice

our voice
our voice can make a change
if we unite and speak under one voice
anything could happen
like the revolution that happen in egypt n syria
its alll happen because of voices unite

like a quote from a great movie 'v for vendetta'

"the people should not afraid of their government , but the government should be afraid of their people'

how great our voice can be, it could make a great effect
imagine we combine our voice and ask the government to make a move in helping the nature

 imagine a grain of sand,
so small and so light
but yet it has mass
therefore it has gravitational force on it
 so imagine all gazillion of sand were pulled toward the same gravitational point
it could make a planet

it so great the power of unity
we may have our differences
skin colour
and many other things but we still stood on the same planet
our earth

ladies and gentleman
moving to my final point

my encouragement

just a reminder to human ,like myself
we are so custom to being pampered with being all easy
technology has help us a lot
that we could buy things with just a click
we no longer have to type
even now
we have a car that could park itself

im not saying that it is bad but

we could not live one day in a week without using plastic

please help the nature
the are nothing to lose by helping them

if its too hard too pull out a dollar

ur voice is enough

ladies and gentleman
remember this
the lenght of ur life depends on the nature

thats all from me

long live the nature, long live us


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

its been awhile

its been awhile
life shows me its sweetness
or given me to taste the sense of joy
vulnerable towards such thing yet safe
enjoying the sweetness with someone's hand in my hand
my eyes were connected to her
unbelieveable how hard it was to avoid it
renew my dull sorrow heart
saved by the warmth of her hug
yelling her name a the top of my lung
inside my heart 
dueling my sanity with feelings
and yet
your name still in my heart